042: LEVERAGE YOUR INTUITION with Karen Geddis

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  • 042: LEVERAGE YOUR INTUITION with Karen Geddis

leverage your intuitionLEVERAGE YOUR INTUITION

with Karen Geddis

Leverage your Intuition and know that you are your intuition is what Karen Geddis passionately talks about on the show.

She is an intuitive coach and mentor for coaches, practitioners and entrepreneurs who want a business that gives them money to contribute to their family, time to spend with them, and freedom for themselves that they know deep down they deserve.

Karen is passionate about women knowing that they are their intuition and helps them with her signature “Work Energetically Smarter, Not Harder”.

She’s also the mum of 3 daughters, an entrepreneur, writer, speaker and trained energy healer.  


• 4 types of intuition

• releasing the self-doubt

• how to leverage your intuition

• personal story of rising up from clinical depression and knowing the power of thoughts to heal and transform

• Finding your way to fit into the world by knowing who you are and following your intuition



Check out her website: karengeddis.com

Like her Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/karengeddisintuitivementor

Have a look at her Facebook Group Work (Energetically) Smarter https://www.facebook.com/groups/1435732749788847/



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Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Aesha Kennedy

Brilliant Misfits is a podcast about women who didn't fit in and explores how this has helped them create amazing lives and businesses by courageously following their heart and doing it their own way. Each week host Aesha Kennedy, a creativity coach, interviews women about their personal stories as it relates to their area of expertise on entrepreneurship, mindfulness & spirituality, feminine leadership, art, marketing & branding and more... Be inspired by their wisdom and take-away tips to help you create a life and business that allows you to BE YOU and BE BRILLIANT.