046: You Are Resilient Brave Beautiful with Karen Humphries

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  • 046: You Are Resilient Brave Beautiful with Karen Humphries

You Are Resilient Brave Beautiful 

with Karen Humphries

You are resilient brave and beautiful are words often spoken by Karen Humphries,who is a Women’s Empowerment and Wellness Mentor, an author, speaker and creative spirit.

Karen went through dark times as a young adult and found her resilience to make a commitment to rise up, get well,  and bring through her powerful message for women.

Karen’s heartfelt message is this:

We are all divinely beautiful souls and no matter what happens to us in our lives we are resilient, strong and ever so brave.


She is passionate to help women realise that they can start to create a life and business on their terms despite having physical or any other limitation in their life.


  • What got her through her dark times
  • The powerful effects of aligning with joy
  • How intuition and creativity made a difference



“Being creative allows us to grow and walk back to our divine selves”

[bctt tweet=”Being creative allows us to grow and walk back to our divine selves. Karen Humphries on Brilliant Misfits podcast” username=”aesha108″]

“Out of darkness comes colour”


B-School – Marie Forleo


My free 40 page guide/Ebook “The Empowerment Guide for the Spirited Woman, 8 Secrets to Empower your Mind, Body and Spirit in the modern world 


My second book is a (paid) eWorkbook is:

“The Awakening of the Divine Goddess, A Journey of Self-Discovery. A Collective Workbook of Colouring in, Chakra, Relaxation & Colour Therapy Activities”.


Website: www.coloursofthegoddess.com

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Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Aesha Kennedy

Brilliant Misfits is a podcast about women who didn't fit in and explores how this has helped them create amazing lives and businesses by courageously following their heart and doing it their own way. Each week host Aesha Kennedy, a creativity coach, interviews women about their personal stories as it relates to their area of expertise on entrepreneurship, mindfulness & spirituality, feminine leadership, art, marketing & branding and more... Be inspired by their wisdom and take-away tips to help you create a life and business that allows you to BE YOU and BE BRILLIANT.