066: Tantric Weaving Oneness | Elise Carr

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  • 066: Tantric Weaving Oneness | Elise Carr

Today’s episode is with guest Elise Carr, M.A. is the woman behind StellaMuse. Known as the ‘Pioneer of Yoni-Heart-Mind Power’ she mentors, councils, and advises your journey of Awakening from Within through Sacred Guidance, Sacred Geometry, Sacred Sexuality, Spirituality & Soul.

Her message is Know thy self as a Soul, part of the entire cosmic fabric of consciousness.  Elise is a dedicated student of the Esoteric Mysteries and a certified Tantra practitioner, Reiki Master, and Holistic Life/Health Coach, as well as a Writer (2 books) Speaker, Model & Artist.


• Elise shares her personal story of leaving the world of modelling and the ‘wake-up call’ that re-aligned her to all of her gifts and what she’s meant to share in the world. 

• The role of Creativity the writing of her first book that helped bring her through the ‘dark night of the soul’ 

• The true essence of living Tantra and what that means

• What’s essential to discovering and listening to your soul

• What and why the name StellaMuse

• Sage tips on how to slow down and create more space in your life



Website: http://www.stellamuse.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stellamuseme/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/stellamuse_com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stella.muse/


Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Aesha Kennedy

Brilliant Misfits is a podcast about women who didn't fit in and explores how this has helped them create amazing lives and businesses by courageously following their heart and doing it their own way. Each week host Aesha Kennedy, a creativity coach, interviews women about their personal stories as it relates to their area of expertise on entrepreneurship, mindfulness & spirituality, feminine leadership, art, marketing & branding and more... Be inspired by their wisdom and take-away tips to help you create a life and business that allows you to BE YOU and BE BRILLIANT.