About Me
I’m delighted you are here on my About Me page. Our paths have crossed and I'm grateful.
As a highly sensitive child, I spent a lot of time alone in the forest in the back of our home. I truly believed I was an alien when I was young. I just didn’t seem to fit in. I now realise it is my souls mission to not fit in, but to try things out, experiment, and find different new solutions that might benefit others. Many years ago when I discovered yoga and meditation I felt drawn to the feminine creative energy and power, Shakti, and felt connected to this divine loving energy that continually guides me.
I live a spacious lifestyle in a semi-tropical area of NSW Australia with my husband. I feel deep gratitude everyday for how far I've come from the exhausting ways I used to work because I didn't know any different. I feel deep gratitude for my spiritual practices and teaching yoga to ground me into what's real and essential. I feel deep gratitude to my clients who I have the privilege to support.
There is nothing more natural for me than to guide women home to their innate feminine creative power, the yin qualities, and what it means to be true to ALL of who they are.
What Do I Do?
In essence I help women remember themselves as non-dual awareness within our unique dualistic human experience.
My work has evolved over the years but it's always been about guiding others to come home and be true to who they are. I guide sensitive, empathic women to follow their own inner authority so they can grow their business in alignment with who they are and what they are here to express.
I use yogic wisdom, your unique Human Design blueprint, feminine yin energy alignment to support you in fulfilling your life purpose and doing work you're meant to do.
My creative leadership role is powerful and inspiring. And it's crystal clear within my Human Design blueprint. This is why I love bringing in the Human Design wisdom when I coach my clients so they can be guided by their own unique soul blueprint. It's a powerful tool to use one's own inner authority and inner strategy and let go of comparing, copying, and doing things that aren't aligned with who they are and how they work best.
My Background
- Certified in Human Design Analysis (2021/2023)
- Life coach (Life Coaching Institute of Australia, 2013)
- A teacher and practitioner of Yoga & Mindfulness since 1991
- A professional Visual Arts practitioner, Dip Fine Arts TAFE 1997
Throughout my time in business these are some of the things I have experienced and knew that needed to change for me to live my life to the fullest. If any of these resonate with you then let's connect and have a chat.
- The desire to let go of the forcing and striving to achieve
- The struggle of self-belief, overwhelm and a conditioned pushing to constantly produce
- The feeling of failure at attempts to accomplish goals in the traditional ways
- Lack of inner confidence to be true to myself
- Dimming down my self-expression for fear how it would be received.
- A deep desire to find ways to excel and feel fulfilled by doing less
- An inner urge to explore more of my untamed creative side and express joy

Below are some of my Free Offerings that I encourage you to join and explore.
- Join my free Creativity Love Letters Twice monthly support
- Follow me on Insight Timer free meditation app