AMBITION with heart

Ambition is beautiful when it comes from your heart.

Be ambitious AF, set goals, and envision your future but do it all without expectation.


That's the key to effortlessness, relaxed state of flow, MAGNETISM

Expectation carries with it a root of disappointment. If you explore this for yourself you will see it. The expectations are already tinged with an expected disappointment, even though we may not want to see that.

And yes, there are times when your expectations do unfold as you envision, and then you think it's because of YOU and something you did and your control over the situation that made it happen.

Not true.

Control is not needed (although your mind will convince you otherwise).

When we let go of control, we let LIFE flow through and guide us. 

We listen from the heart and attune to our body to what feels really joyful, aligned, expanded, and inspiring.

The body knows, the mind doubts

Set your goals but let go of expectation of how it's supposed to unfold. Make your intentions and then let them unfurl - free from the constraints of expectations.

Intentions are creative and open when the intention comes from the heart.

Intentions you make don't need a specific outcome or need for it to be one way. This openness allows the magic of life to flow through you and show you pathways that you hadn't even thought of. 

I often set an intention and then end with, 'this or something better'. You could say, "something wilder, or something bigger. It's an open door for life to support you in ways your mind couldn't imagine.

If it feels odd to not  control and have expectations with your ambitious goals it's not surprising as most of us grew up in a patriarchal society and things were done in a more masculine mind-based way.

I encourage you to explore your feminine power of listening to your body, your gut, your intuition, your inner authority, and trust more and more in this part. It can feel scary, but keep going and learn to trust it.  Find a friend or coach that can hold your hand in this new territory of having ambition with heart and letting go of expectations in your intention setting.

Let the mind be a servant, in service to the divine feminine creative energy that points us into the unknown adventure of life and living in FLOW - Free, Liberated, Open, Wild.

Give it a go and see how you flow.

With love & gratitude,

Align & Shine®  Human Design readings. Guidance on your soul purpose and work you're designed to do. 

Balinese Energy Healing sessions - No talk, no touch. Purely energetic healing and clearing.

Join me for Online Yoga. If you would like to know about my online Yin Yoga classes go here.

Meditate with me: For audio meditations you can find me on Insight Timer