028: Dream Crazy with Kathy Wong

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with Kathy Wong, founder of Moeloco

Dream Crazy is the meaning behind the name of Kathy Wong’s social enterprise company Moeloco.  Her big dream is that more social enterprise companies that give back will be the normal way of doing business.

Kathy Wong has a degree in visual communications which she used to start three businesses in the area of design branding, marketing and publishing. 

She retired 10 years ago from those businesses and moved into country life. Traveling, organic gardening.  During this time she became keenly aware and sensed that, even with all the ways to connect with technology and social media, people were experiencing a deep disconnect and lack of fulfilment.

She wanted to address this and began a FB page posting positive messages that resulted in immediate grateful responses.

One morning and out of the blue she awoke to a message in 3 words:


Not understanding what or how this was going to happen she asked questions. What does this mean? How can I help?

What follows in an extraordinary life-changing story


• How being on purpose and asking the questions opens the flood gates of support

• What does it mean to be great

• How you can make a difference 

* The vision of helping others create similar “give-back” social enterprise companies.

“I finally, in this part of my life, love who I am and I openly embrace my female side to be the best leader I can be”


When she’s not working, Kathy loves being in nature , creating, personal development workshops, gardening, cooking and travelling


Moeloco website: https://www.moeloco.com

FB Page:https://www.facebook.com/moelocoflipflop/?fref=ts

Instagram: https://instagram.com/moelocoflipflop

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moeloco

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MoelocoFlipFlop/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoelocoFlipFlop

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Moeloco

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCItmpvLhMM3LG1aLBQ4CcMg

The Hope Foundation

Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Brilliant Misfits with Aesha Kennedy
Aesha Kennedy

Brilliant Misfits is a podcast about women who didn't fit in and explores how this has helped them create amazing lives and businesses by courageously following their heart and doing it their own way. Each week host Aesha Kennedy, a creativity coach, interviews women about their personal stories as it relates to their area of expertise on entrepreneurship, mindfulness & spirituality, feminine leadership, art, marketing & branding and more... Be inspired by their wisdom and take-away tips to help you create a life and business that allows you to BE YOU and BE BRILLIANT.