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The Nativity of Creativity

This month I’m focusing on creativity, although being the month of December, nativity would probably be more appropriate.

How about the nativity of creativity – the origins of creativity.

I’ve always found that making things, or the act of creating, connects us to something larger. When we create we merge in divine communion with spirit, existence, divine intelligence, god or whatever you want to call it.

Absorbed, focused, in the “zone” where time doesn’t exist, and a kind of contentment and happiness permeates our state of being. Often we feel energised. Sounds similar to descriptions of the effects of practicing yoga asana, breathing, and meditation, doesn’t it?

I recently experienced this phenomena with a group of 10 women in the creative process of making a vision board for 2016. Imagine a group of women sitting around tables next to each other and there was hardly any talking. A silence overtook the room as each one was totally absorbed and focused on her creation.

When we create we become one with the universal creative process of becoming. That focused attention was easy because we were enjoying the process and essentially becoming one with the universal creative process of becoming.

And when I talk about creativity I’m not just talking about artists.

Anything that involves making something. Cooking, gardening, playing an instrument, creating a course, writing, developing a program, dancing, painting, teaching, sewing, building are only a few examples of how creativity expresses itself.

Whenever we make things we are in a creative process.

We really are born to create. Each of us has the seeds of creative expression within waiting to be brought out into the world. Creativity is bigger than us and it’s up to us to nourish that seed within us.

When we don’t embrace our naturally creative nature we wither and lose life force energy.

It’s a two-way communion when we create. Love your what you are creating and you will feel loved by that process. Love is the main ingredient to creating anything that is worth creating. And because there is no age limit to love (as my 84 year old mom continually shows me. Yes she’s still with her secret “friend”) creativity is a lifelong gift.

With the holidays fast approaching most people start to feel a bit stressed and busy. Which is what most people describe the holiday season as. So instead of finding ourselves in automatic reaction to events, situations, family, we can bring some awareness to our holiday season and be creators rather than reactors.

I was asked to be on an informal online panel this month to discuss the topic “how to survive the silly season” on 10th December. Here’s the LINK.

I find it an interesting topic. First of all, why is it “silly” and second, what are we surviving from?

I have no idea (yet) what I will bring to the discussion. But I said yes and I’m trusting that the yes came from a place beyond my little ego sense of self because that part wants to say “no”.

But here’s what I’m thinking. I want to offer a little switch in perspective this holiday season. Instead of seeing yourself as a stressed busy person this holiday or pre-holiday season, rather intend to see yourself as the creative person you are.

Whether it’s making food, wrapping gifts, making plans and organizing, or shopping, bring joy and love and presence to what you’re doing. And do it with your full attention.

I love how mindfulness fits so beautifully with creativity.

Eckhart Tolle said, “Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found”

And it works the other way too. When we are absorbed in creating, a stillness and timelessness occurs that is so rejuvenating, and replenishing.

This absorption and presence is the very essence of mindfulness practice. It’s what makes creating so nourishing.

We get connected to the very essence of our being and there is a happiness and joy and time seems non-existent. It brings us into that feeling of connectedness that we often experience at the end of a yoga class or during meditation.

Can you think of an activity that you do where you lose track of time because you were so absorbed in it?

If you think that you’re not creative or haven’t allowed yourself to have fun creating just for the heck of it, I totally encourage you this holiday season to experience the replenishing and balancing effects of creating for the love and joy and absorption of it all.

Bring your full attention to whatever you make. Bring love to it, let it love you back. Be delighted, energized, nourished and replenished by your creative spirit.

Here’s a few Mindful Creative Living tips for the holidays

  • Presence while wrapping presents – Enjoy the process of making them beautiful.
  • When someone is talking to you, be aware of your own breathing as you listen to them
  • Make your own greeting cards – cut out pictures and collage them together, write words, and have fun.
  • Cook and eat with focused attention ( I know, easier said than done) Focus on seeing the colours of the food you are preparing, totally absorbed in the chopping, stirring, mixing. Taste your food and drink like it’s the first time you’ve ever had it
  • Switch your mindset from obligation to choice
  • Choose appreciation over expectation

Here’s to Loving, Living, Creating in 2016

Om Lokah, Samastha, Sukhino, Bhavantu

May all beings be happy and free

WITH LOVE & GRATITUDE for your continuing support
I have a small gift for you …

FREE 10-minute MP3 audio to connect with your CREATIVE SPIRIT

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With love and gratitude

Aesha Kennedy sign off


With love & gratitude,

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