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It’s a leap year!!
Where would you like to make a magical leap in your life?
Life is full. Sometimes so full we feel like we don’t have a moment to dream, to rest, to grow, to feel our spirit calling us to make a leap.

How are you nourishing yourself on a regular and consistent basis? What ways have you discovered that nourish your soul, relax your mind and bring everything back into alignment where the mind is in service to the heart and the heart in service to divine consciousness.

There are many ways and it’s important for our wellbeing that we recognize our “ways” of nourishing our soul and then make them an essential part of living.


And we easily forget this when we get caught up in the doings of our lives.
We know that taking time-in for ourselves is important but the crux of the matter is that it often feels like just another “thing” to do and our mind convinces us we don’t have time.

So let’s unpack this a bit and find ways to nourish our whole being in two ways:

1 – Ways that require setting a small amount of time:

• MOVEMENT – examples: walking, dancing, yoga, swimming, martial arts
• QUIET ALONE TIME – examples: meditating, walking alone
• CREATIVITY – examples: crafts like knitting, sewing, needlework, artistic expressions like drawing, pottery, writing, etc.
• CONNECTION to family, friends
• PLAYING – not having a result oriented focus in what you’re doing
• MUSIC – listening or playing an instrument

2 – Ways that don’t necessarily take more time

• GRATITUDE – feeling appreciation everyday
• SELF-LOVE – everyday after your shower look in the mirror and say to your body – I love you
• MINDFULNESS practices of switching our attention from thinking to witnessing throughout the day:

    • witness the breath – pause during the day to be conscious of your breath, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.
    • posture – pause and become attentive to your body posture
    • Practice being fully present when you are typing at the computer, cooking dinner, eating, drinking. All activities can be practiced with mindful attention, like a camera taking a video of what you are doing in each unfolding moment not missing a thing and being present with your attention without judgment.

• MEDITATE – You can meditate however you like. It’s not so much how much time, but more about making the commitment to observe your thoughts, which gives you space so you can break the habit of automatic reacting to thought that creates stress. It helps us cultivate our capacity to switch from “thinker” to observer.

• CONSCIOUS BREATHING – 10 fully conscious breaths upon awakening in the bed before getting up to start your day

The above lists are only a few of some ideas that you may wish to implement or build upon.

I encourage you to find your way.


This month I propose that if you are a busy person with lots to do and you make lists of what you need to take care of that you put at the top of your list on at least 3 days of the week, all the fun things first… the things you really love and enjoy doing. If you don’t have fun things on your list, add them in. What do you love to do?

[bctt tweet=”Doing what you love and have fun with first will give you energy to do the other things on your list.” username=”aesha108″]



When you ask questions, your soul will most assuredly bring you your answer.

What small things can you begin to implement that will connect you to your infinite love and infinite creativity?

In what ways can you love yourself more deeply and completely?

I’d love to hear what answers come forth for you.

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Aesha Kennedy sign off


With love & gratitude,

Align & Shine®  Human Design readings. Guidance on your soul purpose and work you're designed to do. 

Balinese Energy Healing sessions - No talk, no touch. Purely energetic healing and clearing.

Join me for Online Yoga. If you would like to know about my online Yin Yoga classes go here.

Meditate with me: For audio meditations you can find me on Insight Timer