My Divine Manifesto

Here’s what I know in my heart ..

There is a rising of the collective feminine creative energy to bring forth feminine power and leadership that benefits all beings.

I believe, as spiritually-aware creative women, we are being called to unravel all that stands in the way of being in the fullness of expressing who we are so we can bring in big magic and co-create with the divine for the benefit of many.

I want to live in a world that understands we are not only part of a whole, but the whole is within us. A world in which we can be who we are without judgements, discriminations, prejudices.

I want nothing more than to see womxn feel free, liberated, open, wild in the way that is true for them and release the conditioning of patriarchal dominance.

I cannot stand seeing power being used as power over, rather than power with.

My hope is that one day we will understand that we are not separate from one another. That we belong, first to ourselves, and that we belong to all other beings, we belong to the earth, and that we live as interconnected, inter-beings.

My manifesto in service to the divine. Thank you for witnessing my heart in words. 

If you would like to join me in bringing more feminine creative energy into the world, please contact me for upcoming programs, online circle gatherings.

With love & gratitude,

Align & Shine®  Human Design readings. Guidance on your soul purpose and work you're designed to do. 

Join me for Online Yoga. If you would like to know about my online Yin Yoga classes go here.

Meditate with me: For audio meditations you can find me on Insight Timer