I retired from regular weekly work, which was mainly teaching yoga in physical studio spaces. I loved it and after 30 years of consistency, it was time to let it go. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped practicing yoga and I still offer yoga practices during my retreats or online.
Here’s what I’ve delightfully been discovering in this next chapter of life:
- I play more. I laugh more.
- There is no difference between weekdays and weekends
- I go to bed when tired and wake up refreshed without alarms
- Actions are based on my inner impulses
- There are no shoulds
- No more equating what I do with what it means to be successful or worthy.
- I notice more and think less
- I strive less and trust more
- I embrace surrender and explore the deeper meaning of that
- I examine my motivations for wanting to take action.
The last is quite enlightening. Much of the actions I’ve done in the past were based on getting somewhere or something and while I understand the necessities of living, questioning the motivation behind actions always brings me home to what is true, real, and necessary in my life at a particular point in time.
It's a discernment between whether it’s ego or soul driven action.
I appreciate that everyone is different, has different needs, and is in a different chapter perhaps. That being said, examining one’s motivations for doing anything is a deeply rewarding and enlightening practice.
When I stopped my regular gig teaching classes, I wanted to focus my energy on creating. Making art, whether that’s drawing, painting, pottery. It’s my happy place and brings me joy. Thus, it’s my essential focus for the remainder of my life. Being in my 70’s I don’t have the luxury of feeling like I’m immortal with infinite time ahead of me, and so it’s time now to follow what brings joy. Everything else can fall away.
However, I do have other innate talents. Beside being creative, I’m also skilled at guiding people to live their lives more joyfully, based on who they are.
I am here to poke people back to spirit.
As a wise woman elder who’s stepped into her true self, I enjoy guiding others to be true to who they are.
Recently I was reminded of the top 5 Regrets of the Dying as described in the book by Bronnie Ware.
The top number #1 being:
I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
Followed by
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
- I wish I had the courage to express my feelings
- I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
- I wish I had let myself be happier.
is a phrase I’ve used that encompasses the essence of all of my work through the years.
My coaching offerings include Human Design as a map to support one’s dharma, talents and skills, while deconditioning from the mind's habits and beliefs that get in the way.. This means learning to trust yourself more and listen to your soul’s impulses and the ways it reveals itself to you.
This is my dharma. My seva.
Guiding you to be true to you, and what that actually means for you. Know the difference between ego and soul driven motivations.
If you feel called any time in this new year to have my support, here are my coaching offerings:
6-session coaching package $1500 AUD (payment plan available). Includes as much support as you want between sessions via message or email. Your choice, every week, or every 2 weeks for sessions.
3-session Business Focus $444 AUD (payment plan available)
Or a Single Session Overview $150
I am NOT raising my coaching prices for 2025.
As I mentioned above, I question my motivations behind actions. I won’t raise my prices for the sake of it, or because I think it’s the done thing for a new year. Upon listening and surrendering to my soul’s guidance, I’m quite happy with the prices of my offerings, and I’m grateful I can keep them the same as they have been.
I am also trained and skilled in giving energy healing sessions as shown to me by a Balinese traditional healer. This is an energetic deconditioning of old patterns and beliefs. It works purely energetically through a transmission of universal healing energy that clears what is not supporting one's system to live to its fullest potential.
In person sessions. However sessions can also be given online as energy is not restricted in that way.
Approx 30 minutes
By Donation
You can also follow me on Social Media for updates of my upcoming retreats, creativity, art, meditations, yoga and self-realization musings:
Instagram - art and creativity inspirations
Substack - where I write blogs related to Being True to You
Insight Timer meditation app - free meditations, or take my courses for a nominal fee.
Facebook - personal profile page and business page
I appreciate you.
Have an easeful, abundantly joyous year.