
“Try to love everything that gets in your way”  

– Alison Luterman

Procrastination is something we ALL encounter. Those times when we don’t take the actions that we KNOW in our heart will help us towards expressing ourselves creatively and the joy that comes with that.

When we are create we start with an idea and vision of what we want to create. This can change as we get started. But so often it’s a challenge to start.  The feeling of not being able to take actions is something I want to address and help you with.

When we create, whatever we create, we will meet our fears. There’s no way around this.  Procrastination is one of the expressions of fear and it keeps us from taking action to follow through with our creative ideas, inspirations, guidance.

Have you ever wondered …  how does procrastination fit into divine timing?

The difference between divine timing and procrastination is recognizing whether what’s stopping us from starting is love-based or fear-based.

[bctt tweet=”Divine timing is love-based, and procrastination is fear-based” username=”aesha108″]

Sometimes waiting is necessary and we are guided to be patient and to pause and wait. There might be a piece that needs to come through first. This is different to not taking action because of underlying fear.

So what will help us determine the difference? How can we recognise the difference between fear and intuitive guidance. I’ve spoken to women who are passionate in helping women strengthen intuitive knowing and operate from love and not fear.

Next week on the podcast Brilliant Misfits my featured guest is Ricci-Jane Adams talking about Intuitive Intelligence and her latest book Spiritually Fierce.  You won’t want to miss this episode and you can subscribe free here so it automatically downloads for you to listen at your convenience.




“ Learn to be small and swim through obstacles like a minnow without grudges or memory.” – Alison Letterman



I love that above quote!

There is so much talk about being Big. Play BIGGER. Be BIGGER. BIG leap.

But there is a lot to be said for small.

If you want to get more creative and even more “arty’ in your life, start small and with something that you feel drawn to.

It doesn’t matter about choosing the “right’ thing. There is no “right thing”. This is playful time. Pick a desired medium to play with: drawing pencils, charcoal, watercolours, pastels, paints…. Whatever appeals to you.



Cultivate a “let’s see how this goes” experimental attitude . Focus on having some fun playtime.

Bringing more creative artistic expression in your life enhances everything else you do.



Follow your instincts and again, let it be playful, and let go of any BIG outcomes you might be secretly holding for yourself.



When you start you may judge your art as crap…. But see that thought for what it is … a thought,  and just persist. Keep going. Find supportive people and surround yourself with their encouragement. Using a blank page journal as your art journal is great because you can one day look back and see the changes you’ve made since the beginning.

Let me know how you go



P.S. Receive inspirations, tips and tools to Make Shift Happen in your creative process on a fortnightly basis.

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