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How to get unstuck by living from the inside out

Last night I had a dream that I’m lost on the outskirts of a city and I’m trying to find my way home.

I decided to just jump into the car and start driving. As I started driving I realized that I didn’t know where I was going, or which direction “home” was. I impulsively took the next right turn. It was pitch black and I ended up on a narrow bridge. I couldn’t see a thing. I might as well have had my eyes shut.

My first reaction was horror that I took that turn without thinking. Now I was on this narrow bridge and I can’t see anything. This can’t be right. Why did I turn without thinking?

I could feel the bumpity bump bump of the car’s wheels going along the bridge. I couldn’t see but I could sense that it was narrow and I was wondering how on earth could I stay on the bridge and not fall off if I can’t even see where I’m going. But I kept driving. I felt like I was right on the edge of the bridge and could fall off in any moment. My heart was racing but at the same time it wasn’t. I felt really alert and curious.

Then I realized that I wasn’t falling off the bridge. Hmmm. And that I was driving by weirdly sensing my way and feeling my way as I was driving. This made no sense to my mind.. How could I be driving by feeling and stay on the bridge without seeing anything?

At another point in the dream I was with a friend who was embarking on a pilgrimage of some sort. She was starting off in the night and I was alarmed. I said wouldn’t you rather start tomorrow morning and have a good comfy sleep in a nice bed first before you go?

Then I woke up and then …

I really woke up.

The message from universe central was clear…

KEEP MOVING. Even when you can’t see what’s ahead of you.

How often we put things off and procrastinate because we’re waiting for it all to make sense first or have a clear direction of what’s ahead?

What if the act of moving itself, even when we don’t know what’s ahead, is the key to becoming clear on any next step and then the next?

What if we use our intuition and feel and sense our way into things and move with trust?

The rational mind will rebel. It wants to know what’s ahead first. But as we dive deep into feminine intuitive side of ourselves we learn to find our way by feeling and sensing. We learn to TRUST in the sensing part of us that naturally moves in flow with the movements of a larger organism of which we are a part of.

If you have an idea, want to start a new project and you feel procrastination taking over, remember that moving is the way forward. You don’t have to make sense of it. Start. Begin. Keep going.

Movement allows the confluence of energies to coalesce to give us insights and clues to the next step towards our visions in the most wondrous, exciting and awesome of ways.

Sometimes feeling frozen we don’t see a way out.

Here are some helpful tips to unthaw and get unstuck.

Remember you are moving simply to find clues to follow in your creative flow. No attachment or agenda. Be curious and open.

• Move your body – dance, walk, yoga, exercise in a way that is pleasurable.
• Put pen to paper and draw or write randomly (remember the morning pages by Julie Cameron in her book The Artists Way?)
• Move the paintbrush – make a mess.
• Let your voice make unusual sounds, sing with abandon
• Go out into the garden. Planting and weeding as you let your mind wander.
• Play the instrument

Ask yourself what is the most appealing and enjoyable act of moving for me right now. Movement will thaw anything that is stuck or frozen and show you the “next”, if you stay curious and pay attention to the clues and be willing to follow them.

The reality is unless we keep moving (in flow with the movement of the universe) nothing unfolds, gets created, or shows us the way.

We can’t think our way into creating. The act itself of moving and making things is what shows us what’s next. From our intuition we can then use our thinking to help us follow up on the clues. Not the other way around. This is what’s meant by living from the inside out.

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With love and gratitude

Aesha Kennedy sign off
